
Huggo’s Valentine Relay Race 2022

A calm day with a light northerly swell met a packed field of paddlers on Saturday the 12th. This race has a few options, you can do half the course and tag a partner to do the second half, you can iron it and still tag a partner to do a leg or you can just power the full race solo.

Long course was 10 miles and the short course was 8 miles. You could either do half or iron the full course. We had an impressive top showings from our open men and a relay on the long course and division dominance on the short course. Congrats! Everyone managed top placings.

Long Course: Jose (1st OC1), Tyler (2nd OC1), Kama (1st V1), Kyle (and partners, 1st mix OC2)

Short Course: Grant (division 1st), Kawai (division 1st)


Jackie Ray Race 2022

Saturday’s race had a good turn out with some sunny weather and some slight bumps. Long Course ran about 9.5 miles and short course was about 6 miles with both of them running south from Keauhou Bay.

Four Keaukaha paddlers decided to let the racers start as they loaded their canoes from the beach just to see if they wouldn’t be last. You know those famous stories: they started last but finished first. Unfortunately this isn’t that kind of story, but they didn’t finish last and still had a great time.

Congratulations to Tyler who hammered to first OC1 to finish (3rd overall) and Kama (6th overall) was the first V1 to finish long course.

Long Course: Tyler, Kama, Eric, Kawika, Keola

Short Course: Grant (division 1st!), Loren (welcome new member), Kawai (division 1st!), Warren


OC1 Hālau Key Exchange

It’s time to start the new OC1 season. The locks and keys for the Hālau will be changed February 1st. You can exchange your old key for a new key on the 1st between 4pm to 6pm at the Hālau. After this you can exchange them at Lani’s Snack Shack with Kaui during business hours:

  • Monday: CLOSED
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Thursday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Friday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
  • Sunday: CLOSED

If you lost a key and want it replaced:

  1. Login and go to menu Hālau->Waitlist
  2. Scroll down to Hālau Keys
  3. Select “Request Replacement Key
  4. Go to menu Aloha->KCC Billing Summary and you should see the $50 deposit to be paid.
  5. Once paid you can pickup your key either on the 1st or at Lani’s Snack Shack

No payments will be processed in person on the 1st, as dues need to be paid online before the 1st. If you wish to turn in a key and request your key deposit back and a check will be issued in your name and either mailed to you or picked up at Lani’s Snack Shack.


2022 Kaipalaoa Pics

Click on the photos to see them full size.


2022 Kaipalaoa Results

This race was sponsored by So Juicy Hawaii owners Keaukaha paddlers Kwai-Chang and Corrina Publico. Part of the proceeds went to raise funds for the Hayward Ohana and everyone was happy to see Eddie come out and race with us too. There was large turn out and registration filled up early due to the covid limits on crowd sizes.

The weather was calm and sunny again and while Western Hawai’i had plenty of swell, the East Side had fairly flat conditions. Both the long and short course started at the same time from the beach. The long course running about 8.4 miles towards the radio tower and short course a little over 3 miles inside the bay.

Our club had about 22 paddlers on the water testing their abilities and pushing hard. Jose pulled off another 1st over all win followed closely by the rest of the Keaukaha open men paddlers. And on the short course Eha hammered it out with the adults to pull off a 4th overall (discarding the 2-man canoes) and first V1 Junior.

Congrats to all the club paddlers who came and raced. It was exciting to see so many turn up for these beginning 2 races. Let’s keep going!

Jackie Rey’s on Feb. 5th at Keauhou.

Add Date to your Google Calendar

Long Course Finishers: Jose (first overall), Kama, Tyler, Aaron, Keahi, Kyle, Eric, Keola, Kawika & Nahi, Rodrigo

Short Course Finishers: Eha, Grant, Jeff, Nate, Michael, Cherie, Rena, Kwai-Chang, Warren, Kaui, Corrina


Plans for 6 Man Paddling

HCRA is still developing their covid-safe plans and we are planning to start OC6 training in mid-March after the high school teams finish.

In the meantime, stay fit, get out on the water, and get vaccinated. Vaccinations are becoming more and more of a requirement for sports events like it is for World Sprints.

Due to the uncertain nature of this pandemic, if you are not an OC1 stall holder we ask you wait to join and pay dues until closer to March just in case things change again. We will make more announcements as the time gets closer.


Stan Cann 2022 Results

Stan has been thinking of renaming this race due to all the natural disasters that seem to occur on his race day from the false missile attack alert to Saturday’s early morning tsunami and the pandemic and floods in between.

Nevertheless Hilo was ready to open the season and race. Both events were near capacity and some standby paddlers were able to jump in.

Unfortunately, unlike the last weeks, the weather was calm and the ocean was flat. Even the tides were barely moving. That didn’t stop Jose from catching an epic “wave” all the way to the first turn. He somehow managed to get onto the escort boat wake at the start and ride it at a blistering pace with out being noticed by the escort crew who usually try to shake paddlers loose.

We had a good club turn out and there were several paddlers who wanted to race but either missed the entry due to the Covid capacity limits or couldn’t join in after the high school sprint regattas were cancelled in Kona at the last minute.

Congrats to the Long Course: Jose (1st Overall!), Tyler, Kama, Eric, Keola

And the short course hammahs: Jeff, Nate, Warren, Michael

Here’s the updated and corrected results for both short course and long course.

Hopefully no one was accidentally missed on the list of congratulations. Lets get out there and see some paddling for the Kaipalaoa Race this coming Saturday! Open to register now:


2022 OC1 and OC6 Races

OC1 Schedule from

January 15thStan Cann ClassicHilo – Waterfront Park
January 22thKaipalaoaHilo – Waterfront Park
February 5thJackie Reyes Non-RelayKona – Keauhou Canoe Club
February 12thValentines RelayKona – Honokohau Harbor
February 26thKeōua Kupuna MemorialHonaunau – Keoua Canoe Club
March 5thFreddie Berengue MemorialKona – Honokohau Harbor
March 12thFour SeasonsKona – Four Seasons Resort
March 19thKuuipoKona – Keauhou Canoe Club
March 26thSurf ParkKawaihae – Surf Park
April 9thEast Hawaii ChallengeHilo – Waterfront Park
April 16thKeokea InvitationalKohala – Keokea Park
April 23thYamagata ChallengeKona – Honokohau Harbor
November 12thAbbott Galaher SeamanKona – Keauhou Canoe Club
November 26thBeanie MemorialKawaihae – Surf Park
December tbdPa’akai PaddlesKona – Honokohau Harbor
2022 OC1 Races

The OC6 schedule (note LD is long distance and Regattas are the sprint races)

May 14KawaihaeKawaihaeLDKawaihae
May 21Kai Ehitu/Papa KimeteteKailua-KonaRegattaKai Ehitu
May 28KeauhouKailua-KonaRegattaKeauhou
June 4Hui Wa’a Waiakea/Ira & Barbara KekaualuaHilo BayLDHui Wa’a
June 11Kai Opua/King Kamehameha DayKailua-KonaRegattaKai Opua
June 18KailanaHilo BayRegattaKailana
June 25KeaukahaHilo BayRegattaKeaukaha
July 2PunaHilo BayRegattaPuna
July 9KamehamehaHilo BayRegattaKamehameha
July 16Paddlers of Laka/Na Wa’a HanakahiHilo BayRegattaLaka/Na Wa’a
July 23Aunty Maile/Moku O Hawaii ChampionshipHilo BayRegattaTBA
Aug. 13Miloli’iMiloli’iLDMiloli’i
Aug. 20Keoua/Calvin KelekolioHonaunauLDKeoua
Aug. 27Waikoloa/Great Waikoloa RaceAnaeho’omalu BayLDWaikoloa
2022 OC6 Moku Races

Note to New and Returning Paddlers:

We will start training soon and there will be an announcement regarding practices and schedules as the coaches work out their times and we share canoes with the high school teams.


Pa’akai Paddles Race

Saturdays last pre-season race on Dec. 4th was a dreary Kona morning with no wind and cold rain. Hilo’s weather was the subject of plenty of jokes.

The course was changed to run south with some wind blown swell that was left over from the channel to the north. Only a light breeze filtered down the shore. The short course was a 5 mile run past Keahuolu Point and back followed by the long course was a 7 mile paddle which of course meant somewhere around 8.5 miles.

Keaukaha paddlers made a good showing of force with impressive top showings on the long course by Jose, Aaron and Tyler. Eha on the short course had his ama fail and had to abandon the race unfortunately. But it’s a reminder to all of us to keep a close eye on our gear as it takes a beating out there.

Special mention goes to Brandi who didn’t let a little thing like pregnancy slow her down from getting some exercise out on the water.

Long Course: Jose, Aaron, Tyler, Jordan “Kama”, Keahi, Kyle, Ryan “Kawika”, Eric, James, Rodrigo

Short Course: Brandi, Cother-McKeague (Jr.), Tanoa (Jr.), Nahiena (Jr) and Eha (Jr, DNF)


2022 OC Race Schedule

Get ready for more OC action as HIPA has published the races for 2022. The first two will be in Hilo, so let’s get in shape!

January 15thStan Cann ClassicHilo – Waterfront Park
January 22thKaipalaoaHilo – Waterfront Park
February 5thJackie Reyes Non-RelayKona – Keauhou Canoe Club
February 12thValentines RelayKona – Honokohau Harbor
February 26thUncle Louis KelekolioHonaunau – Keoua Canoe Club
March 5thFreddie Berengue MemorialKona – Honokohau Harbor
March 12thFour SeasonsKona – Four Seasons Resort
March 19thKuuipoKona – Keauhou Canoe Club
March 26thSurf ParkKawaihae – Surf Park
April 9thEast Hawaii ChallengeHilo – Waterfront Park
April 16thKeokea InvitationalKohala – Keokea Park
April 23thYamagata ChallengeKona – Honokohau Harbor
November 12thAbbott Galaher SeamanKona – Keauhou Canoe Club
November 26thBeanie MemorialKawaihae – Surf Park
December tbdPa’akai PaddlesKona – Honokohau Harbor
2022 Races for 1 and 2 man ocean canoes