
Over 650 miles and Kuuipo Race Results

March Madness: Week 3

Wow! Week 3 and our club has logged 672.16 miles! Umi Umi Kea remains #1 on the leader board. But we have a new challenger on the scene: PHP. It’s a good guess that PHP stands for a type of paddling style, probably something involving power and houses. Both of those two leaders haven’t logged many miles for the past week yet remain at the top. Most likely there are more miles to come from those two. Here’s how things look this morning:

Week 3 snapshot of results

It’s certain we’ll set some position shifts as people update their paddling logs and we’re seeing more shuffling on the leader board as positions 2,3 and 4 are tight. Juan made some gains and a few new players enter the game like Boneless Chicken, Olamon, Major Tom, Jake and Leinoaikealohaaina are adding miles.

Kuuipo Race Results

Keaukaha and KOYD paddlers made a great showing at the Keauhou Kuuipo Races on Saturday the 20th. The weather was calm and hot in spite of the high surf warnings and high wind advisories all around the state. Mauna Loa made a little pocket of clear skies and flat water. Some paddlers opted to skip the races in pursuit of more aggressive paddling conditions. But those who raced “enjoyed” the light south wind and north flowing current. The long course was 9 miles one way route and they got to enjoy the paddle upwind and up current whereas the short course got a little of both as they went south then north for about a 6.4 mile round trip.

Lots of junior paddlers out on the course thanks to Keahi borrowing Jun’s (from Hulakai) troop transporter able to carry lots of kids and canoes. Good job to all the paddlers out on the course!

  • Long: Jose, Eric, Keola, Jeff
  • Short: Keahi, Greg, Lewis Fleishour (V1 Jr. error in race category, no OC1), Eha Kiyuna (OC1 Jr. error in race category, not V1), Brandy, Niau Paulos (V1 Jr.), O-shen Kawaihae (OC1 Jr.), Dalilah Martin (V1 Jr.), Cother-McKeague La’a (V1 Jr.), Malakai Laititi (V1 Jr.), Nahiena Kekuawela (V1 Jr. error in race category, not 70+), Tanoa Laititi (V1 Jr.)

Can You Catch Umi Umi Kea?

First let’s talk MADNESS then donations raised by the Kaipalaoa Races.

Week 2 March MADNESS

March Madness is in full swing and in case you forgot: Prizes are not based on the miles you paddle, but if you don’t enter you don’t win. Login and see the prizes and enter your miles to qualify for the random drawing!

We’ve had more people join and a new top leader jump in the mix. Umi Umi Kea is in the lead, followed by Oshun Addictshun and #2 is in the #3 position. Batman is flying up the leader board, and you’d think with all this crazy weather Guy Hagi wouldn’t have time to keep up with Juan Barrientos, but they’re tied. Keep paddling! DLV, LXV and 012474 (Jan. 24th 1974?) are coming!

Over 295 miles padded by club members so far this month!

Results from Morning of March 13 (not live). Login to see the latest results.

I’m sure we’ll have some more surprises now that this past week of flooding is subsiding and the chocolate waters slowly clear out.

And to you mad paddlers out there paddling: no prizes if you don’t enter! You can enter your miles for any day in March so keep a log and update your online progress. Any questions contact us.

Want to track your miles electronically? Just grab an old cell phone with a GPS and put it in a waterproof bag/case with a tether (the old phone doesn’t even need service to work on wifi or GPS). Free apps like Relive will do the heavy lifting for you. Or pick up a used GPS watch off ebay for about $50.

Kaipalaoa Races Final Donation Totals

A big mahalo to Kwai-Chang and Corrina from So Juicy Hawaii for setting up and running the Kaipalaoa Races here in Hilo as the final totals roll in there was $882 donated by paddlers to support OSMD Hawai’i Foundation and their efforts to get people with muscular disease active again.

Also thanks to the other Keaukaha paddlers from the HUIA Surf Crew who helped with a lot of logistic work to run the race. Lots of people kicked in to help and we had lots of raffle winners. We even had one of the escort boats donate their costs and that went to OSMD too.

Next years race we’ll all be Corona Virus free and we’ll have a bigger race a little later in the season with fewer whales and more parties!


Freddie Berengue Race and Week 1 March Madness

The Freddie Berengue Memorial Race was held in Honokohau while Hilo had squalls and shifting winds, the racers had sun and calm conditions.

This race the Juniors far outnumbered the Keaukaha adult paddlers as they charged the short course of about 5 miles and the long course was about 7.

Congratulations to all the paddlers out there!

  • Long: Jeff, Keola
  • Short: Kawai & Grant, Greg, Shai Badon-Dellomes (V1 Jr.), Eha Kiyuna (OC1 Jr.), Niau Paulos (V1 Jr.), O-shen Kawaihae (OC1 Jr.), Dalilah Martin (V1 Jr.), Cother-McKeague La’a (V1 Jr.), Tanoa Laititi (V1 Jr.), Malakai Laititi (V1 Jr.)

Week 1 of March MADNESS

Join up for March Madness today! You have to enter some miles to be eligible to win. We’ve posted photos of the prizes and the drawings are random and the leader board rankings doesn’t effect your chances of winning!

This past week’s leader board has a few people teasing each other with their nicknames and radio commercials:

Week 1: March Madness Miles
March Madness Individual Progress
  • Will Guy Hagi overtake #2?
  • Will #2 become #1?
  • Will those car commercials ever stop?
  • Do we have some powerhouse paddlers keeping their logs to themselves for a mid-March surprise?

Remember you can’t win prizes if you don’t log your miles!

Login and go to Aloha->March MADNESS


March MADNESS Begins

2021 OC Club Events

In lieu of the OC-6 season that may or may not happen (again) this year, the club is hosting an alternative 2021 OC-1 paddling program that will consist of monthly events or challenges that Keaukaha members may participate in. The Keaukaha 2021 OC-1 Series will run from March-October and will be open to current Keaukaha CC members ONLYThis means that members must register with KCC, sign their HCRA waiver, and pay their annual KCC dues of $100 prior to participating in any of the eventsKeiki 17 and under will not be charged dues but must still have their KCC registration and HCRA waivers completed. If you want to join in the fun contact us and request a website account and we’ll set you up.

We hope that this program will be something we all can look forward to that will encourage our members to stay active on the water, to keep healthy and follow physical distancing rules, have lots of fun, and even win some cool prizes!


We’re kicking off the Keaukaha 2021 OC-1 Series with our first event: March Madness. How many miles can you paddle in a month?! Keep track of all the miles you’ve hammered throughout the month of March. Entries must be submitted through the Keaukaha CC March MADNESS page (you must login first) where you’ll be able to enter your miles, track your monthly total, and see how you measure up with other club members on the leaderboard.

Don’t worry if you’re shy, you can choose to use a different public name and change it whenever you want. If you don’t have a GPS to track your miles, no problem! Take a look at the pre-measured courses on the bottom of the March Madness page to help determine your distances paddled.

Once you submit an entry (as well as for each event thereafter), you’ll be entered into the drawing for the prizes of the month. Monthly prizes will also be displayed on the KCC website.

The current and upcoming month’s event details will be posted on the KCC website. An e-mail will also be sent out a week prior containing the next month’s event details. Prize winners will be notified by e-mail.

We hope you enjoy the Keaukaha 2021 OC-1 Event Series! If you have any questions or concerns, you may direct them to Kanoe (Malani) Lee Loy via the contact page.


Uncle Louis Kelekolio Memorial Race

While Hilo was under flood watch and early morning lightning and heavy rain the Keōua Hōnaunau Canoe Club held an OC1 race with clear blue skies and a light northerly breeze. The long course with 41 canoes was a 9.5 mile run and the short course with 31 canoes was a 6 mile race. There were a lot of OC2’s out on the courses and since the races are limited to 50 people per course the total number of canoes were down but both courses were almost at limit of 50.

The sleeping dolphins greeted some racers upon return as did a slight set of bumps that were somewhat surfable with effort.

Congratulations to the Keaukaha paddlers that came out to race:

  • Long Course: Jose, Eric, Jeff, Keola, Brandi
  • Short Course: Grant & Kawai, Greg

Kaipalaoa Race Results

Almost 100 Wa’a at the start line with 6+ foot separation of course

Saturday’s race saw almost 100 paddlers turn out for the Kaipalaoa race which was a fundraiser for OSMD hosted by our own Kwai-Chang and Corrina Publico of So Juicy. All of the event proceeds go to help OSMD provide assistance and motivation for those effected by Muscular Dystrophy. In addition to part of the race fees going to OSMD a donation based drawing also raised more funds. If you entered the drawing follow and watch for your ticket number! A big thanks to the sponsors: HI Pressure Paddles, Stay Humble Hats, Sig Zane dry bags, So Juicy, OK farms Coffee, Bytes and Pieces, Homesteady, All Pulu Hat, Hilo One, The Makery, and any others missing from this list.

Kaipalaoa is an area of the bay that most paddlers are very familiar with. The land around the lighthouse in Hilo is known by this name and features the surfing reef which has been surfable almost every day this past year. Kamehameha was said to have landed here and left his guards to watch his canoe. After a few days of Kamehameha being absent the guards decided to search for him. Kamehameha was upset they left the canoe behind but one guard mentioned he fashioned a rope and a knot to keep the canoe safe. Upon returning to the secured canoe Kamehameha was impressed by the guard’s skills and named the area Hilo after the twisted and braided line that kept the canoe safe.

Due to the high amount of humpback whales, race officials decided the safest way to not disturb them or risk any paddlers was to keep the races inside the bay. This made for a lot of turns for the long course and a shortened both courses to accommodate the separate courses inside the bay — probably a first for the HIPA races.

With a Le Mans-style beach start, all the racers lined up in waist deep water. When the horn was about to go, there was the calls of “Cheehoo!” and “Go!” and an explosive start followed shortly by the official air horn start sound.

About 45 canoes on the short course (~3 miles) charged towards the red buoy while another 42 canoes on the long course (~5.5 miles) aimed for the inner green buoy. It was an intense start with everyone pushing hard for the best lines. Long course paddlers headed for the outside green, the bridge piling, outside green, and back to the bridge and then a sprint for the halaus where both courses finished. The short course sprinted to the red buoy and then a boat turn by the tip of the wall then to a flag and boat on the left side of the Kaipalaoa area to avoid the surf break.

There was a slight breeze blowing down the mauna and a strong current running from the Wailuku towards the outer green buoy. Aside from the hulis and a long course canoe or two getting caught trying to short cut the surf, everything went perfectly and all the paddlers had a blast. Even Moku and Sammy Sampaga (OSMD) teamed up on an OC2 to tear up the long course.

Keaukaha helped fill out the starting line up on both courses and the KCC and KOYD kids were out in force:

  • Long: Jose, Keahi, Aaron, Kama, Eric, Kawika, Jeff, Kanoe, Keola, Brandi, La’akea (jr. oc1)
  • Short: Grant, Greg, Kawai, Shai (jr. V1), Mike, Lewis (jr. V1), Lexi (first race and a first place!), Rena, Dalilah (jr. V1), Eha (jr. V1), Cother (jr. V1), Malakai (jr. V1), O-Shen (jr. 1), Niau (jr. V1), Kwai-Chang, Corrina, Tanoa (jr. V1), Lexie (jr. V1)

And next Saturday is one of the popular venues: Keoua’s Race at Honaunau! Sign up on line before Friday.


Valentine’s Relay Race

This is a Big Island classic with something for everyone. You could do an iron 8 miles, or 10 miles, or split it up and do half as a relay with a paddling partner. There’s even an option to do the iron yourself and have a partner do part of the relay with you so you can enter both iron and a relay so your partner can paddle a single leg.

This Saturday’s race followed on the tails of high surf warnings so hopes were up there would be some extra wave action. Kona being Kona however we didn’t get much of that swell but the wind tried to help out. The 9:30 am short course start saw the paddlers heading south into a building breeze out of Honokohau Harbor to Kamakahonu Beach where they would either swap with their partner or u-turn for the 8 mile iron short course. The 10:00 am start for the long course proceeded along the same line but further south to the coast guard 1.2 mile swim buoy then into Kamakahonu for the relay exchange or iron turn around.

Both courses had some south flowing current along Kiawe Point and paddlers on the inside grabbed a boost while pushing upwind. A navigational error by the lead pack on the long course sent some paddlers on an extra mile or so to correct their course error. Small wind bumps helped lift paddlers back north to the finish back at the harbor.

A raffle was held online to help raise money for the youth paddling program and the winners were announced on Instagram.

Congrats to the Keaukaha Paddlers (*and their relay partners)! The Juniors also charged the long iron course which was an amazing effort!

  • Long Course: Keahi, Arron*, Eric, Jose, Jose & Brandi, Lewis Fleishour (KOYD jr. v1), Shai Badon Dellomes (KOYD jr. v1), Cother La’a (KOYD jr. v1)
  • Short Course: Kyle*, Kanoe & Kama, Greg

Remember next week’s race is in Hilo on the 20th. Signup today:

Signup to Race In Hilo


Pa’akai Paddles Race – Feb. 6 2021

Good news! HIPA was able to get approval for the oc1 season races and yesterday’s race was jammed with Keaukaha paddlers on both courses. Both courses ran north against a light breeze. There was a nice mix of bumps and the long course got the pleasure of the washing machine waters south of the harbor on the way back from their southern turning point. The dolphins were outside the harbor and the skies were clear enough to see the snow on the mountains.

Check out the HIPA schedule for the races.

Which includes the postponed Hilo race which will now run on the 20th. And signup is open for the Valentines race this Saturday.

Special congratulations go to the Junior paddlers that managed to make the race all the way over in Kona and hammering in the V1s. Great job to them! And congrats to our newest Novice paddler, Mike McConnell!

Long Course: Jose, Aaron, Keahi, Eric, Jeff, Brandi

Short Course: Grant & Kawai, Mike, Greg, Cother (jr. v1), Pakela (jr. v1)

(Also KOYD jr. paddlers: Kala’i and Dalilah)


Covid 19 and Paddling

All paddling activities for the club are currently suspended. OC1 and individual sports are encouraged and the OC1 halau is still operating for you to use. Please practice safe distancing while on shore. As soon as we have an update on any openings we will announce it.