Saturday was a day for racing on Big Island. Hilo hosted the popular Da Hui OC1/2/6/Keiki/SupSquatch race with 2 courses. And Miloli’i hosted a OC6 long distance race on the Kona side.
Da Hui Long Course Results
With calm waters and light variable winds, this race was a push for everyone.
For OC1’s Tyler, Kama and Moku all finished inside a second of each other, with Tyler taking home a new paddle as 1st place prize. Congrats to all 3 of them. That’s some intense racing! Good job Tyler, Kama, Kawena, Brandi!

Da Hui Short Course Results
The short course had almost twice as many entries and some Keaukaha hammers. Awesome paddling to Grant, TR, Loren, and Clem!

If you want the keiki and Supsquatch results you can see all the results here:

Miloli’i Long Distance
This race is known as good heat training for the Queen Liliuokalani race and it didn’t disappoint. Our 40’s mix crew hammered it out in the current and hot weather on Saturday.

Good job 40’s crew as the 5th place mix and 7th overall!