Some old business first: OC1 Races
On April 24, 2021 HIPA held the Yamagata Challenge. A long race but this year there was a short course (10) and a long course race (14). We had paddlers in both courses and it was a great finish to the HIPA race series. Good job guys!
- Long: Jose, Jeff
- Short: Keahi, Grant & Kawai, Greg, Niau (V1-Jr.), Eha (V1-Jr.) Brandi, O-shen Kawaihae (V1. Jr), Dalilah Martin (V1. Jr), Jason, Cother-McKeague La’a (V1 Jr), Malakai Laititi (V1 Jr.), Waiolukea Publico (V1 Jr.), Kwai-Chang, Tanoa Latiti (V1 Jr), Tanoa Latiti (V1 Jr)
Keokea Invitational
Due to Covid and the small launching point, only paddlers invited to do the Keokea run were able to race this 11 mile course which finished at the old Coast Guard Station with paddlers continuing another 3 miles to Kapa’a to haul out in the surf and rocks. This is a race around the northern tip of Big Island were strong currents and wild winds meet. Once you start, you’re committed as there are no places on shore to stop.
Some of the big name paddlers came out to race. Our Keaukaha guys did an awesome job of chasing them down.
- Keokea Hammahs: Jose, Kama, Keahi
Aloha Unlimited Productions “Dash For Cache”
This was a unique downwind, heat style race with top winners walking away with $500. (Sorry about the formatting, keep scrolling down past the videos for more OC6 info)
OC6: Aloha Unlimited Kohala Coastline Race
Kohala Coastline is back in 2021. Teams of 18 from Kiholo to Kawaihae in unlimited canoes. Follow their facebook page for updates.
OC6: Practice and Scrimmage Races
Members have been putting crews together and organizing their canoes and being Corona Virus safe. And just in time for Kai O’pua’s 6-man fun race series. This race series is free (donations accepted) and they provide canoes. The divisions are created by adding up the ages of all your crew members. Total ages are used to divide up results. So grab your 300 year old steersman and go! Did I mention it’s free and they are providing canoes?
Here’s Kai O’pua’s flyer for the event starting tomorrow, May 22 to July 31 and to sign up visit here.