What a better way to start of the season with a fun race dressed as someone or something else? In the past there’s been great costumes like hammers and motors. Just don’t leave the course littered with your costume. More details to be shared soon at https://www.instagram.com/sojuicyhawaii
Word is it’s a free race and will probably have check-in around 8am. But verify @sojuicyhawaii as the date approaches.
Paddle the Pacific Solo?
Think your workouts are long? There’s recently been 2 individuals paddling from California to Hawai’i about 2400 miles.
Carlo Facchino arrived Thursday at Wailoa boat harbor in Hilo after a nearly 2,400-mile solo row across the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to the Big Island.
And this week around day 93 Cyril Derreumaux is completing his second attempt to paddle to Hawai’i. There is a paddle out organizing to greet him on his expected arrival around the 21st. Watch his site and live position reports for details. https://solokayaktohawaii.com/