First let’s talk MADNESS then donations raised by the Kaipalaoa Races.
Week 2 March MADNESS
March Madness is in full swing and in case you forgot: Prizes are not based on the miles you paddle, but if you don’t enter you don’t win. Login and see the prizes and enter your miles to qualify for the random drawing!
We’ve had more people join and a new top leader jump in the mix. Umi Umi Kea is in the lead, followed by Oshun Addictshun and #2 is in the #3 position. Batman is flying up the leader board, and you’d think with all this crazy weather Guy Hagi wouldn’t have time to keep up with Juan Barrientos, but they’re tied. Keep paddling! DLV, LXV and 012474 (Jan. 24th 1974?) are coming!
Over 295 miles padded by club members so far this month!

I’m sure we’ll have some more surprises now that this past week of flooding is subsiding and the chocolate waters slowly clear out.
And to you mad paddlers out there paddling: no prizes if you don’t enter! You can enter your miles for any day in March so keep a log and update your online progress. Any questions contact us.
Want to track your miles electronically? Just grab an old cell phone with a GPS and put it in a waterproof bag/case with a tether (the old phone doesn’t even need service to work on wifi or GPS). Free apps like Relive will do the heavy lifting for you. Or pick up a used GPS watch off ebay for about $50.
Kaipalaoa Races Final Donation Totals
A big mahalo to Kwai-Chang and Corrina from So Juicy Hawaii for setting up and running the Kaipalaoa Races here in Hilo as the final totals roll in there was $882 donated by paddlers to support OSMD Hawai’i Foundation and their efforts to get people with muscular disease active again.
Also thanks to the other Keaukaha paddlers from the HUIA Surf Crew who helped with a lot of logistic work to run the race. Lots of people kicked in to help and we had lots of raffle winners. We even had one of the escort boats donate their costs and that went to OSMD too.
Next years race we’ll all be Corona Virus free and we’ll have a bigger race a little later in the season with fewer whales and more parties!